
Aluminum-free deoderant

The thought of a product that can keep you from sweating kind of freaks me out.  Aren't we supposed to sweat?  Isn't that our body's way of cooling us off?  Why would we want to keep our bodies from doing so?  The aluminum that is in most store bought deoderant/anitperspirants has been linked to Alzheimer's, seizures and possibly cancer?  This aluminum is aborbed in greater amounts to those of us who shave.  I've been down that road and am not interested in doing so again.  Homemade it is! 

I had to "play" with this recipe quite a bit for it to come out the way I wanted but this is what I think I ended up with:
  • 6 TBS. coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup baking soda
  • 1/3 cup arrowroot powder
Mix the ingredients together and wa-la!  It was pretty runny when I finished (hence why I had to "play") but hardened up a bit once it's set.  You can store this in a plastic/glass container or put it into an old deoderant dispenser. 

I'm sure a few drops of tea tree oil (or any other antiseptic oil you like) would work well with this recipe.  I didn't try this but I'm sure I will next time I make a batch. 

This is great, I can go all day with just one application.  I even treated patients all day and didn't even have to re-apply.  The only time I've noticed any odor was after I had been in the 90 degree heat for a good part of the day but it would have been the same with my old store-bought deoderant.

I have a feeling this is going to last a lot longer than any other deoderant that I've bought, it's definitely a lot cheaper (maybe $1.50) and I feel so much better about using it.